Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture invites applications for DOCTORAL CANDIDATE, Urban Planning and Design. The position begins in November 2015 or as agreed. The assignment is maximum of four years.The position is available at the Department of Architecture. Urban Planning and Design research group has been studying e.g. the distribution of work in public and semi-public spaces of the city. The group has also done research on communication and participation in planning, governance and strategies of cities and the relevant professions, and the impacts of ICT to urban spaces.Main duties and responsibilities of the doctoral candidateFull time doctoral candidates are expected to complete their Doctor of Science (architecture) degree in four years, during which they should complete their thesis and doctoral studies, participate in research projects and teach relevant courses.The doctoral candidate would participate in both theoretical and empirical work in the ongoing projects, by doing interviews in one of the urban regions, as well as in the preparation of new research proposals.The application deadline is September 15th 2015. For more information and application instructions please see the whole advertisement here.