UIA 2020 Rio: Maré Complex – International Ideas Contest in Rio de Janeiro until March 30

The International Maré-City Ideas Contest targets Architecture and Urban Planning students from all over the world. Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the competition showcases projects proposing innovative architectural and urban design solutions that integrate low-income communities in the Maré Complex with the rest of Rio de Janeiro. The Contest is organised by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the Brazilian Institute of Architects (IAB), with backing from the UN-Habitat.
Located in the industrial North Zone, the Maré Complex is among the largest low-income settlements in Rio de Janeiro, with sixteen favela slums and a population of about 140,000. More than 40,000 homes feature many different architectural morphologies, ranging from self-built shacks to government housing projects. The challenge raised by this contest is to design solutions focused on local residents and their connections to the city.
Architecture students from all over the world may participate, as long as they are attending courses regularly. Entries may be submitted by multidisciplinary teams of up to five members, but only students of architecture, landscape design, urban planning and urban design may sign projects as authors or co-authors. Students from other professional areas may be listed as team members, contributors or consultants. Each student can participate in only one solution. All entries must be submitted in English.
Registration is open until March 30, 2020. The winners will be announced on June 1, 2020, with the winning solutions presented to the public during the 27th World Congress of Architects at an exhibition opening on July 21.
The top three entries will win cash prizes of 3000 €, 2000 € and 1000 €.
The call for proposals for the Maré-City International Ideas Contest is available here.
More information on the competition on UIA2020RIO’s website here.