Encounters in Venice: multiple of the Finnish architects included in the Nordic Pavilion's exhibition were present for the opening on Thursday 26th of May. Finland has a strong presence in the In Therapy: Nordic Countries Face to Face -exhibition with four projects presented in depth and 46 other projects included in the In Therapy: Nordic Countries Face to Face -exhibition. This years exhibition is comissioned by ArkDes – the Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design in collaboration between Museum of Finnish Architecture and Norway's National Museum’s Department of Architecture.The core team behind the exhibition, comissioner Karin Åberg Waern, curator David Basulto from Archdaily and assistant curator James Taylor Foster spoke of the themes of the exhibition earlier for short video interviews.[caption id="attachment_3582" align="alignnone" width="2336"] alt Arkkitehdit[/caption][caption id="attachment_3589" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] Rainer Mahlamäki & Ilmari Lahdelma from Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects[/caption][caption id="attachment_3590" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] Asko Takala from Kirsti Sivén & Asko Takala Architects.[/caption][caption id="attachment_3595" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] Teemu Hirvilammi from Hirvilammi Architects.[/caption][caption id="attachment_3583" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] Anssi Lassila from OOPEAA Office for Peripheral Architecture[/caption][caption id="attachment_3588" align="alignnone" width="2336"] Veikko Ojanlatva and Tuukka Vuori from Playa Architects[/caption][caption id="attachment_3591" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] Juha Kämäräinen from Portaali Architects & ArkOpen[/caption][caption id="attachment_3598" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] Antti Nousjoki, Samuli Woolston and Juho Grönholm from ALA Architects[/caption][caption id="attachment_3593" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] Aalto University, Department of Architecture, Wood Program: Säie pavilion, 2015[/caption] Four projects by Finnish architecture firms selected for the in-depth presentation:
Puukuokka Housing Block in Jyväskylä, Finland (2014) by OOPEAA Office for Peripheral Architecture;
Finnish Nature Centre Haltia in Espoo, Finland (2013) by Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects;
Seinäjoki City Library in Seinäjoki, Finland (2012) by JKMM Architects; and
Kilden Performing Arts Centre in Kristiansand, Norway (2011) by ALA Architects.
46 projects included in the exhibition:
Aalto University, Department of Architecture, Wood Program: Luukku House, 2010
Aalto University, Department of Architecture, Wood Program: World Design Capital pavilion, 2012
Aalto University, Department of Architecture, Wood Program: Säie pavilion, 2015
ALA Architects: Kuopio Theatre Renovation & Expansion, 2014
ALA Architects: Lappeenranta theatre
alt Arkkitehdit Oy & Arkkitehtitoimisto Karsikas Oy: Ruukki health care centre, 2014
alt Arkkitehdit Oy & Arkkitehtitoimisto Karsikas Oy: Niemenranta school centre, 2012
Anttinen Oiva: Kaisa library, 2012
Avanto Architects: Chapel of St. Lawrence, 2010
B & M Architects: Kehärata railway stations (Kivistö, Leinelä, Vantaankoski), 2015
Casagrande laboratory: Apelle, 2013
Casagrande laboratory & Hans-Petter Bjørnådal (FI/NO): Nomad City, 2012