Archinfo Finland entrusted as contact point for New European Bauhaus

The contact point communicates about national participation and funding opportunities under the European initiative and is part of the network of contact points in all EU countries.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has appointed Archinfo Finland as the contact point for the New European Bauhaus initiative. The European Commission’s initiative provides new opportunities for cooperation and funding in the fields of architecture, construction, design, and services. Launched by the Commission in 2020, the initiative brings a cultural and creative dimension to the European Green Deal and creates aesthetic, sustainable and inclusive solutions and projects to our living spaces.
The main role of the contact point is to communicate nationally about the opportunities for participation and funding provided by the initiative. Archinfo will provide information about the initiative on its website, social media channels, and through the New European Bauhaus newsletter. Archinfo will also participate in an EU-wide network for the exchange of information and experiences – a contact point has been designated for each EU Member State at the request of the European Commission. The Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment are involved in coordinating the initiative in Finland.
In 2021, Finland’s Ministry of the Environment organised a series of online events as part of the co-design phase of the New European Bauhaus initiative, to collect ideas and wishes from Nordic architects, designers, artists, students, researchers, and designers, among others. Archinfo coordinated the events, on the bases of which Finland, as chair of the Nordic Council of Ministers, prepared a joint Nordic vision for the initiative. As a result, a Nordic report was presented to the European Commission in June 2021.
Funding from a number of EU programmes
The new European Bauhaus is now in the delivery phase, which will continue until 2023, and approximately €85 million in funding has been allocated from EU programmes to projects under the initiative by the end of 2022. The New European Bauhaus will also be included in the priorities of a number of EU programmes without pre-defined funding. In addition, the Commission encourages the Member States to support the initiative in their national strategies and funding.
The Horizon Europe Call, which will close in April, will fund the development of innovative architectural and design solutions. Current calls for funding applications are also underway under the Erasmus+ programme, for example Alliances for Innovation supports strategic cooperation between higher education, vocational training, and businesses. The European Youth Together 2020 Call supports transnational partnerships between youth organisations. The Creative Europe Programme will fund projects that generate ecologically sustainable practices for cultural and creative sectors in the spirit of New European Bauhaus.
On 16 February 2022 at 9–10:30am, Archinfo and its partners will organise the first Finnish information session on the application times and conditions for the various funding opportunities provided by the initiative.
In addition, the New European Bauhaus initiative is looking to award projects and ideas that promote a beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive building culture. The winners will receive a maximum prize of €30,000 and a communication package to help them further develop and promote their initiatives. In addition to existing projects, young talent under 30 years of age will be awarded with the New European Bauhaus Rising Star Award. The application period for the awards will close on 28 February 2022.
New European Bauhaus Contact Point
Sign up for the mailing list by sending a message to
Eeva Astala, Expert, Archinfo Finland
tel. +358 40 686 2155
European Commission’s New European Bauhaus initiative (link)