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Culture House Laikku, Gallery
Keskustori 4, Tampere

Organized By

TamSAFA and Museum of Finnish Architecture

Verbal Sketching, Image Sketching, Imagination – Reima Pietilä’s Sketches and Aphorisms

Sketch drawing of the house.

This year marks the centenary of the birth of architect and academician Reima Pietilä (1923–1993). The exhibition Verbal Sketching, Image Sketching, Imagination – Reimä Pietilä’s Sketches and Aphorisms is focusing on Reima Pietilä’s unique design methods and can now be seen in Tampere.

Verbal sketching, image sketching and imagination” were an important part of Pietilä’s artistic work and process of creating architecture. The exhibition features Pietilä’s sketches, aphorism-like reflections on architecture, and scale models, which illustrate the forms born from the initial ideas. The exhibition has been curated by Kaisa Broner-Bauer and Marja-Riitta Norri.

Reima Pietilä is known as an exceptional figure in the field of Finnish and international architecture, through his notable architectural production, theoretical-philosophical writings and teaching activities. He was a keen debater, who often acted as the instigator of architectural debate both through his works and his writings. Pietilä’s important companion in the design work was his wife and partner, architect Raili Pietilä (neé Paatelainen, 1926–2021).

Read more through this link (in Finnish). 

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