TAD Week 2023 begins – tips for architecture enthusiasts in Tampere

Finlayson area
TAD Week, the architecture and design festival of Tampere, takes place from 29 September to 6 October. We’ve gathered a list of events that we recommend for those especially interested in architecture.
This year, the theme of TAD Week is Hope. Now in its 16th year, the event brings together thousands of professionals, students and enthusiasts interested in contemporary architecture, design and urban culture.
TAD Week opening party
29.9. at 18:30–22:00
Vooninki and Terde, Väinö Linnan aukio 13, Tampere
The opening party is at the Finlayson industrial area. The programme includes the openings of TAD Week exhibitions and guided tours, speeches and music.
Talks and lectures
Sustainable House 5 - Buildings as a memory of our culture
30.9. at 12:00–16:30
Rientolan Setlementti, Pirtti, Federleynkatu 19, Tampere
The seminar will seek answers on how to protect the old building stock and how to ensure the preservation of the built heritage. Experts of the field will approach the questions through a variety of case studies. The Finnish language event is organised by the Pirkanmaa Building Culture Association Piiru and Building Heritage-SAFA.
Pietilä 100 -seminar
4.10. at 16:00–19:30
Culture House Laikku, Music hall, Keskustori 4, Tampere
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of architect Reima Pietilä. Pietilä 100 -seminar includes speeches and a panel discussion. The speakers of the event include Petteri Kummala, Head of Research and Information Services, Marko Suutarla, architect, and Anna-Leena Lehto, building researcher. The panel discussion will be moderated by Olli-Paavo Koponen, Professor of History of Architecture. At the same time, there is an opportunity to visit the Pietilä 100 architecture exhibition in the same premises. The Finnish language event is organised by TamSAFA.
Architecture and Cities in Transition seminar (ACT)
Seminar 6.10. at 12:30–17:00
Finnkino Plevna, Itäinenkatu 4, Tampere
Afterparty 6.10. at 17:00–20:30
TR1, Väinö Linnan aukio 15, Tampere
The international seminar is one of the main events of Tampere Architecture and Design Week. It consists of keynotes from famous and influential international and Finnish architects and urban designers. This year’s keynotes will be Olga Felip, Mari Randsborg, Janne Hovi and Selina Anttinen. As part of the seminar, The Building Information Foundation will award the annual Pietilä Prize. The seminar will be followed by an evening party. The event is organised by TAD ry.
Guided tours
Exhibitions at Finlayson
30.9. at 12:30–14:30
Vooninki, Väinö Linnan aukio 13, Tampere
Artists and curators will tell about their exhibitions. Included are Natalija Lapajne (Plečnik’s Ljubljana, Slovenia), Pedro Borges de Araújo (Building Memories, Portugal), Elina Korri (Uudenlainen, Modus ry), Jesse Kitinoja (Onko ketään kotona?), Ville Angervuori (Äiti Systeemi) and Maryna Sokolenko (Ukrainalaisen sadun nukkemaailma).
Open doors at Kaleva Church
2.10. at 11:00–20:00
Liisanpuisto 1, Tampere
Kaleva Church, designed by Raili and Reima Pietilä, will be open for extended hours on 2 October. The church has guided tours related to the architecture of the church.
Shopping malls in a changing urban culture
3.10. at 17:00–18:00
Tampere Market Hall, Hämeenkatu 16, Tampere
The event will introduce the 120-year-old Tampere Market Hall. The main focus will be to examine the renewal of this valuable building's functions and to explore its details. The tour will be led by architect, Dr.Tech. Iida Kalakoski. The tour is organised by the City of Tampere.
Visit to South-Hervanta school and day-care centre
5.10. at 14:00–16:00
Mekaniikanpolku 9, Tampere
Ecophon will organise a site visit to South-Hervanta school and day-care centre. Project manager Panu Hirvonen, headmaster Matti Annala and architect Jonna Käppi will present the building project and the site. The Finnish language event is aimed at professionals.
The factory garden tour
6.10. at 10:00–11:00
Väinö Linna Square, Tampere
A walking tour to the factory garden will be held in the Finlayson area at 10–11 am, followed by lunch at Cafe Katto (Satakunnankatu 18 A). The tour is organised by the Finlayson area and Omatarhuri Oy together with Liuskemestarit. The event is in Finnish.
Other events
Pietilä documentary film Irti laatikoista
5.10.2023 at 18:00
Arthouse Cinema Niagara, Kehräsaari, Tampere
A documentary film about the original architecture of architects Raili and Reima Pietilä, which focuses on the collaboration with nature and site-specificity.
Read more about TAD Week here